Why Sit-Down Meetings with Managers Are So Important

Do you have manager meetings? I’m not talking about the passing-in-the-hall quick conversations, but actual sit-down meetings where you focus on moving the business forward? If you are having sit-down meetings, do you think they are effective?


You must have sit-down manager meetings to make sure you get your message across in a manner that everyone understands so that they can execute what you want done how you want it done. These kinds of meetings facilitate communication and where you get things done.


I know what you’re saying to yourself: “David, I meet with my managers almost daily, and they still don’t do what I want.”


When you say that to me, I’m going to tell you very quickly, the “meetings” you’re having with your managers, where you stop them in passing, those are not a manager meeting. And worse, those “meetings” lead to more problems.


A true manager meeting is scheduled on a weekly basis. It’s not a five-minute tirade over what didn’t…