Three Ways Restaurants Can Win at Food Delivery

Offering the right type of discount will help operators win more loyal customersThe food and grocery delivery space is booming – and it shows no signs of slowing down. Even as the pandemic shifts into endemic territory and people don’t fear being in public as much, there are certain conveniences we have all learned to love, including having food delivered. And of course, everyone also wants a deal. Data collected from receipts and other publicly available sources in a January report shows a clear takeaway for quick service restaurants (QSRs): percentage-based discounts are winning the food delivery space. 

Percentage-Based DiscountsThe January report included a chart illustrating month-over-month growth featuring offers from burger brands, (McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s) broken out by promotion type. A takeaway: Merchants provided more “perentage-off” deals, rather than dollar off discounts. “Percent-off” deals consistently rose from September through…