The ROI of Restaurant Design

It used to be enough to open your restaurant in a good location, conjure up a mouthwatering menu and cultivate an atmosphere of bonhomie to charm your clientele. Looks were important, but far from everything. Now, in this Instagrammable era, diners demand to be dazzled by design as well as the food. A buzz surrounds the launch of each new design-rich restaurant and people queue around the block, waiting to feast their eyes...until the next one opens and they go in search of their next hit.

How large a role does design play in the success of a restaurant?

Now, we’re not sitting in judgement because who doesn’t love a beautiful space, but it does beg the question: just how large a role does design play in the success of a restaurant? And what’s the likely return on investment for the restaurants that take it seriously? 

So how does this eye candy generate business and add to the profitability of a restaurant? 

Social MediaVisually stunning restaurants draw young, social…