The Digital Imperatives for Restaurants in 2019

The dining public has spoken, and as the calendar turns to 2019, their message to restaurant operators is loud and clear: Deliver a digitally enabled dining experience or we’ll eat elsewhere.A new report, based on research conducted by Incisiv and sponsored by BRP and Windstream Enterprise, suggests in no uncertain terms that it’s time for restaurants to put digital tools squarely at the center of the dining experience. Once considered optional investments, digitally driven customer engagement tools have become essential to delivering the type of frictionless experience that today’s dining public — and the huge restaurant-going Millennial generation in particular — now demands, according to the October 2018 report, whose findings draw from surveys of 1,200 restaurant guests and 60 restaurant executives.

These five digital upgrades can help restaurant operators unlock an extra 20 percent in revenue.

Guests expect a frictionless dining experience that empowers them with…