Spoon Guru: Food Preferences Hinder Social Life (Infographic)

New research commissioned by AI-powered food search and discovery platform Spoon Guru has found that almost half (47 percent) of Americans with exclusion diets struggle to manage their preferences when socializing at functions. The study revealed that people with food allergies, intolerances or those following a lifestyle diet shy away from events due to a fear their dietary needs will not be catered for. The data highlighted that consumers aged 45 to 54 find it the most difficult to dine at social events followed by the age range of 25 to 34.

Half of Americans with exclusion diets admit food preferences hinder their social life.

 “The study found there is astounding support (86 percent) for the idea that retailers should go above and beyond the current regulations to give customers more clarity on ingredients. It’s also clear that hospitality staff need further training on the ever changing dietary landscape to make sure guests don’t feel alienated," said Markus Stripf…