Six Steps to Improve the Culture in Your Restaurant

According to Forbes Magazine, companies with highly engaged teams show a 21 percent greater profitability. Engaged employees are more loyal and productive, which is good for everyone involved. In fact, one of the biggest factors in recruiting and retaining top talent is a company’s culture.However, culture is often overlooked in restaurants. If you are not actively shaping that culture, someone else is; something this important should not be left up to the employees to carve out themselves.Culture defines your brand and deliberate efforts should be taken in order to establish a healthy culture before it slowly take a left turn into one you don’t want.  I’ve had a long career in the restaurant industry, and in corporate America I found that basic culture builders are the same across all industries.  Below are six steps that can be taken to change a restaurant’s culture based on my personal experience:

Define the Right CultureEvery employee needs to understand that you…