Restaurant Marketing Essentials: Three Tips for Creating Successful Welcome Emails

Every year, restaurant owners spend thousands of dollars marketing their business. From direct mail promotions and radio spots to pay per click ads and influencer marketing, restaurants are trying everything they can to attract and retain patrons in this increasingly competitive landscape.While it might not be as flashy as other marketing trends, email is still one of the most effective and affordable marketing strategies. In fact, according to Emma’s 2018 Industry Survey, 42 percent of restaurant marketers believe that email is the most effective marketing channel – with 30 percent expected to increase their spending on email.

The recipe for an effective email marketing strategy includes targeted email lists, personalized messaging, and incentivization. However, an oft-forgotten ingredient is the welcome email. The welcome email is opened by 58 percent of recipients compared to about 15 percent for other marketing emails. In other words, you can’t afford to neglect welcome…