More Money in Your Pocket: Why Your Restaurant Needs a Food Waste Audit Now

In today’s restaurant market, margins are slim enough as it is. As businesses work to keep those margins healthy, they focus on what goes to the table and what goes in the till. One area that is too often overlooked is your trash dumpster and believe it or not – you are probably throwing away a lot of money without knowing it. That’s why waste haulers are making so much money. When is the last time you really looked at your trash bill? Performing a waste audit is an essential step to not only making your restaurants more sustainable, but to saving money.

Value of a Waste AuditOne major focus of a restaurant’s waste audit is always going to be food waste. By measuring the food waste your operation produces, you can break down exactly WHERE food is being wasted and WHY. Running a food waste audit allows you to see your food waste numbers broken down by type, weight, and then understand why it was wasted. A food waste audit gives you the exact insight you need to not only make…