Modern Restaurant Brands Practice Socially Responsible Marketing
5 Min Read By Linda Duke
Socially Responsible Marketing is doing social good. In recent years, restaurant brands were touting health benefits and lower calorie menu items; now socially responsible marketing is the big focus for restaurant operators and consumers alike. What does Socially Responsible Marketing mean for your restaurant?
A business vision may be necessary for business success, but it is no longer sufficient—having a ‘social vision’ is imperative today.
Socially Responsible Marketing calls for combining business vision with a “social vision.” A business vision may be necessary for business success, but it is no longer sufficient—having a “social vision” is imperative today. A social vision is one that contributes to social and environmental sustainability, while producing profits for its business. For example, many California restaurant operators, hit with the severe drought, are taking responsibility and steps to cut back on water. Their “social vision” is to reduce water waste. One operator installed an air compressor to blow plates off instead of wasting water to rinse them off prior to going into the dishwasher. His “social mission” was to save thousands of gallons of water and he did and made headline news besides! This is Socially Responsible Marketing. Today, any guest who dines at any restaurant in the state of California has to ask for a glass of water. It is not automatically served. California now has this as a mandatory law.