Managing Employee Accountability as an ‘Unofficial’ Supervisor

Employees must trust and believe that there is a fair and accurate process for keeping track of their actions and tying their behavior to real consequences. The first thing they want to know is exactly what a great job, an average job, and a bad job look like in terms of their work – more specifically, they want to know how you their managers measure those standards of performance. After all, if one is going to be held accountable for their actions and there are going to be consequences for them, one would want to know exactly what is expected and required of them.

Employees also want to know that someone is keeping a close eye on them so that nobody misses it when they do a great job. And, they want to ensure that their performance will be measured based on those expectations and requirements that were (ideally) spelled out up front – and on nothing else.

Managers need a fair and accurate process for tying real consequences to each employee’s real actions:

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