How Restaurants Can Benefit from Food Pre-Orders

The modern restaurant industry is undergoing rapid change fueled by consumer demand for a better customer experience that is defined by their ability to order food and drink from their mobile phones and computers. Restaurants that are responding to this customer demand are seeing higher same-store growth rates and better margins.

In the U.S., households spend more than $3,000 per year at restaurants, a figure that has been rising. Across the pond, the British, as a whole spend an equally sizeable £2,345 ($3,000) on restaurant and hotel bills. Millennials alone spend 44 percent of food dollars in eating out - representing $2,921 annually. In the U.S., Millennials also spend more generally than non-Millennials and by 2020 will make up 50 percent of the workforce. Given that millennials spend an enormous 90 hours per month on smartphone apps alone, the potential for the mobile pre-ordering industry is huge.

By leveraging mobile and online ordering technology, restaurants can meet…