How App Retention is Like Dating and Getting Engaged (Infographic)

Customer loyalty and retention is important within any industry, but in the restaurant industry it's a crucial aspect of business. As a local establishment, a restaurant will need to impress the people within the community to keep them satisfied and comng back for more.


 Working on the relationship with customers with the same level of attention you would to a romantic attachment can help strengthen and grow the relationship. 

Working on the relationship with customers with the same level of attention you would to a romantic one can help strengthen and grow the relationship. How a customer perceives their first experience with a company can have a lasting impression. It’s been argued that people have the tendency to make a snap judgment of a person, place, or in this case, restaurant.

Impressing the customer through quality and customer service has a lasting benefit—customer retention. Another benefit of a great experience is the subsequent word-of-mouth marketing efforts…