Everything Restaurants Need to Know about New Google AI Tools

Google’s I/O Conference on May 14th proves they’re taking generative AI seriously. In addition to the introduction of Gemini this year, they’ve also developed a range of AI features that will be integrated into standard Google searches. With Google committing to the AI project, the technology is likely to advance quickly and will present significant opportunities for business owners who are able to get ahead of the curve.

Sixty-two percent of consumers find new restaurants through Google, making it the most popular method of discovering new food. As Google search results shift, restaurateurs need to prepare their websites to capture the searches.

AI-Organized Search Results

This feature will organize search results into AI-generated categories to make search results more clearly digestible. A search example given by Google is “anniversary-worthy restaurants in Dallas”, which returns categories such as:

  • Anniversary-worthy restaurants

  • Intimate settings

  • Restaurants popular for dates

Underneath these categories, links from restaurant sites and domains like TripAdvisor and TikTok would feature for businesses that are relevant to the specific category. Google’s AI will use content from the web to categorize your site so being clear in your messaging on your site, socials, and review platforms will make sure you’re ready for this new way of organising searches.

Multistep Reasoning

Google is using generative AI to improve its ability to answer search queries with multiple points. For Google’s example, they used this search query: “Find the best yoga or pilates studios in Boston and show details on their intro offers and walking time from Beacon Hill.” 

Google’s AI will then return a list of businesses that are relevant for every part of this query, taking into consideration distance and services to make a tailored list for the searcher.

This new function highlights how essential it is that business owners keep their information updated on Google and other sites so that they can be discovered by searchers for the right terms. If your offerings, opening times or locations are inaccurate, Google’s new features could mean you lose search visibility with people whose specific search queries suggest they’re highly likely to become customers.

Planning Capabilities

Google will also be using AI to help people make personalized plans which can be arranged within Google search results and then exported to docs of Gmail. Searching “create a 3 day meal plan for a group that’s easy to prepare,” will present you with multiple recipes that can be rearranged and switched out to suit your tastes.

Planning capabilities are rolling out across recipes in Google but are being trialed in Search Labs with parties, date nights, and workouts. 

With party and date night planning coming soon, optimizing your site for the way people organize their events is going to be key. For example, people planning bachelor/bachelorette parties, birthday parties, and anniversaries will all have different needs, and being clear about your restaurant offerings and using specific keywords will help your business appear for these searches.

The Value of Brand Building in Modern SEO

Brand building is essential to establishing yourself as a business and creating a reliable customer base in the hospitality industry. With the majority of people using Google to find your restaurant, all your work to develop a brand identity must be shared online as well as when people are dining with you.

With so many new ways to be discovered thanks to Google’s new AI tools, creating content that’s relevant to your brand across multiple channels is the best way to set yourself up for success in search.

These new features take even further steps towards a user-first experience that Google has been developing for years so your on-site optimization needs to go beyond simply hitting keywords and needs to be about how you want your business to be seen by potential customers.

Preparing Your Marketing Strategy for Google’s New AI Features

These new features are starting to appear in Google searches already so the sooner you do the work, the sooner you’ll see the benefit.

Develop Your Brand

Building your brand online is now more important than ever as businesses look to stand out in a crowded market. You put so much effort and time into creating a brand experience in your restaurant that it only makes sense to extend this to your online presence. 

Think About Your Total Digital Presence

Google will be pulling from every possible place to categorize searches and show users the best possible results for their queries. Setting yourself up on just one digital platform could negatively impact your presence in search engine results. Ensuring your information is updated and your brand is communicated on every relevant channel is the key to a winning digital strategy.

Think Customer-First

Google’s approach to innovation is always to put the user first. These AI tools are intended to help searchers in new ways to find the best information online and solve other issues around planning and research. While you want to use the right keywords and aim to take up as much space online as possible, everything needs to be done with the user in mind to ensure you have the best chance of creating real customers.

Preparing Your Restaurant for AI-Assisted Search

Google is constantly updating, which can make search engine optimization feel like an uphill battle. However, staying customer-first and brand-aware will help you weather most major storms safely. With both of these considerations at the center of your marketing plan, adapting to suit the changes at Google will be much easier and will ensure you’re always appearing in front of the right people.