Serving Up Hope

Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE®), a national non-profit organization that provides financial grants to food and beverage service employees with children who face a life-altering health crisis, injury, death, or natural disaster, announces its annual Serving Up Hope campaign. Serving Up Hope is a national campaign of gratitude that recognizes the contribution of food and beverage service employees who serve millions of guests every day. The campaign is a way to bring together the hospitality industry, and the guests it serves, to take a moment to provide a thank you, and hope for the employees who face a qualifying circumstance.

CORE is inviting food and beverage industry Operators and Suppliers to come together to Serve Up Hope for restaurant families this fall. The campaign is from October 1 – December 31, and they are asking food and beverage companies across the country to engage their customers and employees in a cause they can feel good about. Both Operators and Suppliers can be a part of this powerful campaign and raise funds when and how it works best for their brand. Turnkey resources are provided to help launch a successful promotion that includes social content, images, customizable POP, PR templates, employee training guides, and more. Brands who commit to raising $15,000 or more during Serving Up Hope receive logo recognition on the Wall of Hope, a nationally promoted landing page on the CORE website.

CORE grants are uniquely tailored to a grantee’s circumstances and financial needs, whether it be rent or mortgage assistance, medical equipment, prescription costs, clothing, groceries, and other essential needs. Many CORE grantees are single parents, with more than 70 percent being Moms. More than 90 percent of CORE grants are due to a medical crisis, and an average of six percent of CORE grants help a family navigate a natural disaster, including families facing the Maui wildfires. “I know first-hand when life does not go as planned and an unexpected health crisis hits, it can rock your world. The realization sinks in, then you wonder how you will care for your family while you navigate the medical journey,” said Sheila Bennett, Executive Director, CORE. “We invite the industry to participate for one week, one month, or during the entire campaign to raise funds in the way that is best for your business, or simply donate to CORE. With your help, we can provide a family with hope in the form of a CORE grant, and we offer resources and ideas.”

If your company is interested in participating, contact Sheila Bennett: for more information.