Don’t Drown in Data. Use it to Make Experiences More Human (and Enjoyable)

Over the past decade the pendulum has swung heavily from memorable brand experience anchored by creative expression to data-driven campaigns fueled by all type of connected systems.In many instances, the push for data has pulled us too far away from the human element that makes the best products and services generational must-haves. Don’t get me wrong, data is important. But deriving wisdom to create consumer rapport using that data is integral to long-term success.(Full disclosure: I am an avowed Bill Bernbach disciple and spent several very enjoyable years at the agency that bears his name, DDB.)

In a world where ‘communications’ were the staple of the marketer, advertising icon Bill Bernbach was the chief whisperer to many of the world’s leading brands from McDonald’s to Chivas Regal to Alka-Seltzer (a fun triad to consider).

Marketers are putting experiences together to unlock certain consumer behaviors.

Of communications, the ever-quotable Bernbach famously said…