Data A La Carte: Restaurateurs Can Use Big Data to Make Offers Guests Can’t Refuse

Today's consumers respond well to personalized suggestions. Amazon, Netflix and Facebook were the first to recognize this tendency and cash in on it.

Their secret tool?

It's no longer a secret. It's a process called data mining.

They use powerful computers to scoop up each and every data footprint that a customer leaves after an online purchase. Special algorithms then compare them with those of other buyers in order to find those with comparable tastes.

Once analyzed, they act on the data, using it to suggest additional books, films, or articles the customer may also enjoy.

Today's savvy restaurateurs have taken note and are trying their hand at creating personalized offerings to their diners.

And like these three online giants, they are using data.

Data a la CarteNo longer do restaurant owners tally up their cash register receipts and either celebrate a busy night or sigh and say, "maybe tomorrow will be better."

They look at that bottom line and weigh the factors they can control…