Best Practices to Prevent Phishing Scams in Your Restaurant

Phishing scams are usually fraudulent emails that look legitimate to try to trick you into giving away personal information. Phishing scams aimed at restaurants are often trying to gain access to your POS which has valuable customer information, including credit cards.

These scams may come in the form of an email, phone call or even social media and often appear authentic and contain the logo or company information with a vendor that you work with or may even copy the name of someone that you have worked with. If your restaurant does suffer this type of attack, you could be faced with lost customer trust, negative PR and more.

So, how do you prevent this type of attack?

Talk to Your TeamEnsure everyone is aware what phishing scams are and some common practices to spot them. It is also a best practice to institute a communication policy for providing sensitive information to outside sources.

Verify the DetailsVerify the name and number of the person that you are talking to and call…