Are You Going to Eat That? (Infographic)

Humans are picky when it comes to food. They want it to push every flavor button and be beautiful on the plate, especially when dining out. Many equate food’s appearance with quality at the grocery store. This mindset (plus other practices) contributes to a shocking amount of food waste in the United States.

The most recent study estimates up to  one third of the world’s food is wasted from harvest to meal. To put that in perspective, that’s enough food to feed three billion people. Retailers dump up to 43 billion pounds of food each year, some that never made it to market because it was “ugly” and the rest because of spoilage.

As a restaurant owner, manager or chef, you understand the effects to the bottom line of this waste. You’ve probably seen fruits and vegetables become science experiments, witnessed a preparation tossed due to some imperfection or issue, and viewed uneaten meals go straight to the trash bin. It’s painful to watch if you’re responsible for the…