Are There Real Benefits of Online Ordering?

From McDonalds to small restaurants, more restaurants are taking advantage of online ordering. Easy and efficient for both the customer and the restaurant, online ordering is a tool that every restaurant should consider. Need proof? Here are the top eight benefits of online ordering: 

Almost Any Restaurant Can Benefit from Online Ordering  Do you deliver? Great! Online ordering just streamlines that process. Pickups are also made easier through online ordering. Even sit-down restaurants can take advantage of online ordering to allow busy or travelling customers arrive when their food is ready, or as another stream of revenue when table space has been maxed out. 

Not to say that your restaurant won’t have to change at all to accommodate online ordering, but with little to no reworking, most restaurants can use online ordering to boost profits and expand their business. 

Online Ordering is More Common than Ordering Over the Phone In 2016, 6.6 percent of orders were placed…